Becoming a Maker

An Overview of Becoming a Maker

Makers run an automated swap backend (asb), which users can connect to and swap with. The asb accepts Bitcoin and sells Monero, for a fee.

The asb needs to communicate with the Bitcoin and Monero blockchains. For this, it uses monero-wallet-rpc for Monero and electrs for Bitcoin.

It's also strongly recommended to run your own Monero and Bitcoin nodes.

Docker Compose setup

We maintain a Docker Compose configuration (link (opens in a new tab)) that automatically starts and manages these services:

  • asb (the maker service, connecting to monero-wallet-rpc and electrs)
  • monero-wallet-rpc (an RPC server, managing the Monero wallet and connecting to monerod)
  • electrs (a Bitcoin blockchain indexer, connecting to bitcoind)
  • monerod (a Monero node, connecting to the Monero blockchain)
  • bitcoind (a Bitcoin node, connecting to the Bitcoin blockchain)

To run this setup you'll need Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Getting started

Now you can clone the configuration repo and cd into it. We're going to setup an asb on mainnet. If you want to setup for testnet, go into the testnet directory instead. All other steps remain the same.

git clone
cd asb-docker-compose/mainnet

The directory contains three files: the docker compose file, the enviroment variables file and the asb configuration file. The directory structure looks like this:

├─ config_mainnet.toml  # asb configuration
├─ docker-compose.yml   # docker compose configuration
├─ .env                 # port configuration for docker compose

The docker-compose.yml and .env files are part of the docker compose setup. We will prioritize the asb configuration file in this guide, because you probably don't want to change the docker compose setup.

Usage and commands

This list is also available in the repository (opens in a new tab), including variations for testnet.

First, make sure you're in the directory with the docker-compose.yml file:

cd asb-docker-compose/mainnet

If you aren't familiar with docker compose, here are the most important commands:

docker compose up -dStart all services.
docker compose downStop all services.
docker compose psList all currently running services.
docker compose pullPull the latest images for all services. You need to run docker compose up -d after this to actually update the services.
docker compose logs -fAccess the logs of all services. To only get the logs of a specific service, use docker compose logs -f <service_name>. To only see the last e.g. 100 lines, use docker compose logs -f --tail 100.

You can also execute asb commands, to get the history of swaps for example:

docker compose exec mainnet_asb asb --config=/asb-data/config_mainnet.toml history

Below is a list of asb commands you can use. Some of them require access to some resources, in which case you'll need to stop the asb first and then resume afterwards:

docker compose down
docker compose exec mainnet_asb asb --config=/asb-data/config_mainnet.toml <command>
docker compose up -d
helpPrints a list of available options and commands (under subcommands).
historyPrints a list of all previous and current swaps.
startStarts the asb. This is automatically done when you run docker compose up -d.
configPrints the current configuration.
export-bitcoin-walletPrints the internal bitcoin wallet descriptor which can be used to access the asb's bitcoin wallet.
withdraw-btc --address <YOUR_ADDRESS>Withdraws Bitcoin from the internal wallet into a specified address.

Asb Configuration

Let's have a look at the asb configuration file. It is used to configure the behaviour of the asb. It uses the TOML language (docs (opens in a new tab)).

The file has different sections, each with different configuration options:

  • maker: specifies the core behaviour of the asb
  • bitcoin: specifies the Bitcoin configuration
  • monero: specifies the Monero configuration
  • tor: specifies the Tor configuration
  • data: specifies the data directory
  • network: specifies the networking configuration

Maker Section

The most important section is the [maker] section, which specifies the core behaviour of the asb. This is what a standard maker section looks like:

min_buy_btc = 0.001
max_buy_btc = 0.1
ask_spread = 0.02
price_ticker_ws_url = "wss://"
# ...

Below an explanation of what each option does:

min_buy_btcThe minimum amount of Bitcoin the asb will buy from takers, in BTC.
max_buy_btcThe maximum amount of Bitcoin the asb will buy from takers, in BTC.
ask_spreadThe markup the asb will charge compared to the market price, as a factor. The market price is fetched via the price_ticker_ws_url. A value of 0.02 means the asb will charge 2% more than the market price.
price_ticker_ws_urlThe URL of a websocket that provides the market price. The default is the Kraken API, but you can build your own websocket server which mimics the Kraken API.

Bitcoin Section

The bitcoin section specifies a few details about the asb's interaction with the Bitcoin blockchain. We do not recommend changing these settings, however we document them for completeness sake.

# ...
target_block = 1 
electrum_rpc_url = "tcp://mainnet_electrs:50001"
network = "Mainnet"
# ...
target_blockThis determines the block height that the asb will try to get it's Bitcoin transactions confirmed at. The default value of 1 means the asb will try to get it's transactions confirmed in the next block.
electrum_rpc_urlThe URL of the electrs server the asb will connect to. The electrs server is is used to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. The default URL points to the docker-hosted electrs server.
networkThe Bitcoin network the asb will connect to.

Monero Section

The monero section specifies a few details about the asb's interaction with the Monero blockchain. We do not recommend changing these settings, however we document them for completeness sake.

# ...
wallet_rpc_url = "http://mainnet_monero-wallet-rpc:18083/json_rpc"
network = "Mainnet"
# ...
wallet_rpc_urlThe URL of the monero-wallet-rpc server the asb will connect to. The monero-wallet-rpc server is is used to interact with the Monero blockchain. The default URL points to the docker-hosted monero-wallet-rpc server.
networkThe Monero network the asb will connect to.

Tor Section

The tor section specifies the asb's onion service (hidden service) configuration. An onion service can be used to make the asb publicly accessible without exposing the server's IP address or requiring an opened port (further reading (opens in a new tab)).

# ...
register_hidden_service = true
hidden_service_num_intro_points = 5
# ...
register_hidden_serviceWhether the asb should register an onion service.
hidden_service_num_intro_pointsIf the asb registers an onion service, this specifies the number of introduction points the asb will use.

Network Section

The network section specifies the asb's networking configuration. This includes:

  • which rendezvous points the asb will connect to,
  • on which port, and
  • external addresses the asb will advertise to the rendezvous points.

These addresses are specified using the multiaddr format (link (opens in a new tab)). A multiaddr combines all necessary information into a single string.

For example, the first rendezvous point's multiaddr specifies the rendezvous point at the DNS address, on port 8888 with the peer ID 12D3KooWA6cnqJpVnreBVnoro8midDL9Lpzmg8oJPoAGi7YYaamE.

# ...
# the ip and port the asb will listen on
listen = ["/ip4/"] 
# the rendezvous points the asb will connect to (address, port and peer id)
rendezvous_point = [
# the external addresses the asb will advertise to the rendezvous points (only address)
external_addresses = [
    # e.g. "/dns4/"
listenThe ip and port the asb will listen on. The IP address means the asb will listen on all IP addresses. Remember that the asb service is running in a docker container. Make sure the port is the same as in the .env file.This multiaddr should only include an IP address and a port number.
rendezvous_pointA list of rendezvous points the asb will connect to.These multiaddrs should include an address (e.g. IPv4, IPv6, DNS), a port number and a peer ID.
external_addressesA list of external addresses the asb will advertise to the rendezvous points. If you registered a domain, you can add it here. If you enabled the onion service, it will be included automatically, so you don't need to specify the onion address.These multiaddrs should only include an address (e.g. IPv4, IPv6, DNS).

Et, voilà! You've successfully configured your asb.

Default Configuration

This is what the default configuration might look like.

min_buy_btc = 0.001
max_buy_btc = 0.1
ask_spread = 0.02
price_ticker_ws_url = "wss://"
electrum_rpc_url = "tcp://mainnet_electrs:50001"
target_block = 1 
network = "Mainnet"
wallet_rpc_url = "http://mainnet_monero-wallet-rpc:18083/json_rpc"
network = "Mainnet"
register_hidden_service = true
hidden_service_num_intro_points = 5
dir = "/asb-data/" 
listen = ["/ip4/"]
rendezvous_point = [
external_addresses = []